Wow, time has definitely been passing at light speed since I got to Japan. I can't believe I've already been in Japan for 3 weeks! This week was definitely fun-filled. This blog will be less writing and more pictures, because a picture is worth a thousand words. On Tuesday, our lovely Yale Japanese Senseis took us out to dinner, with the courtesy of the Light Fellowship. By courtesy, I mean the Light Fellowship paid for our entire dinner, and we could order whatever we wanted. Let me repeat that...wait nevermind that's not necessary, but you get the message. We went to a restaurant that served a combination of Japanese and French food. We started off the meal with champaign, red and white wine. Then it got kind of intense after that. We each had a six course meal. I've never had a six course meal in my life. I didn't even know what to do with myself, so I just drank my champaign (and then sake after I finished my champaign). Now I could describe how delicious the meal was, but you probably wouldn't believe me. So I'll let my pictures do the convincing. In short, the entire meal, from beginning to end, was like an orgasm in my mouth. It was that good. And free, which made it even more delicious.
Appetizer 1
Appetizer 2
Appetizer 3
Main Course 1
Main Course 2
And Tiramisu for dessert.
But here is the kicker: after we finished our SIX course meal, we STILL had stomach to eat more. So we ordered some lobster, clams, Foie gras, and chicken. Best life choice ever.
It was so good. So good. Thank you so much Mr. Richard Light.
On Thursday, because I didn't feel like doing homework, I went to the Tokyo Tower (an imitation of the Eiffel Tower) with Kevin, Afua, and Rina. You could see the entire Tokyo city at night, which was pretty sweet.
On Friday, a couple of people and I decided to go visit Shawna in Yokohama and celebrate the 4th of July. It was pretty fun, and Shawna's house was HUGE, even by American standards. Not only was Shawna's house amazing, she also had enough food in her house to feed around 8-9 people. Thank you Shawna for you hospitality!
Today, we went to Kamakura to see the Great Buddha and some temple. It was hot, humid, and freaking expensive. And now I'm tired =[ Although trains in Japan are very convenient, they are also very costly. I spent like 30 dollars just on transportation today. Balls. Well, this concludes my 3rd week in Tokyo. Man, I'm really loving Japan. It's such a sweet place.
Until next time guys,
Hans Liang
hans you are such a fatty!
The Light Fellowship says: "Glad you enjoyed it!"
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